Pray for the Evangelical Church in Laval, France
David Broussard 0

Pray for the Evangelical Church in Laval, France

David Broussard 0 Comments
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This week, we are praying for the Eglise Evangélique la Bonne Nouvelle in Laval, France (Mayenne department).

Mayenne has the lowest number of Evangelical churches in all of France - only 4 churches for 307,500 people!

L'Eglise Evangélique la Bonne Nouvelle is one of the beacons of hope and light in this department and we want to encourage them!

Please sign the petition and leave a word of encouragement if you wish!

Laval, an 11th C city, is the capital of La Mayenne Department (the “Maine” Department, pop 307,500, dates back to Gallo-Roman times), in the region of Pays de la Loire and is situated 60 miles south of the Atlantic Ocean and English Channel, not far from Mont St. Michel. A special French dialect remains as a mixture of Mayennais and French. Once a center of fine linens, La Mayenne is now 80% rural with livestock, apple orchards (cider), and became a cheese and diary center while at the same time boasts a Technology Center. Valuing education, percentage of students preparing for professional careers and technological fields exceed the national average. Laval was under German occupation during WW2 and was bombed several times and was finally freed by General Patton on August 6, 1944, with the Germans blowing up most bridges before they surrendered. Laval quickly rebuilt itself and continued on.

Facebook page:
Pastoral Elders: Christian and Catherine Moreau, Michael Packer

Priorities of Church

  • Evangelism and reaching the unchurched, including muslims. as exemplified by its focus on the Word and Evangelism; aware of other cultures (including muslim) in their midst, they invite people of all faiths or self-proclaimedatheists to come and learn about Jesus Christ, and, that all questions are welcomed.
  • Youth – reaching the younger generations for Christ; Their youth meet once a month with youth from a neighboring town and participate in youth camps
  • The Word and Intercessory Prayer – prayer groups with Bible Study meet weekly in homes

A Few Prayer Points

  • Pray for their pastoral elders: Christian and Catherine Moreau and Michael Packer, their families. For health, finances, provision, encouragement, and protection. Pray for wisdom and creative strategies, dreams, and visions, for reaching their city and surrounding towns.
  • That Breakthroughs in evangelism would come in answer to their years of soaking prayer for their region, that they would see fruit from their labors, and that new believers would be added in growing numbers, utterly amazing them.
  • Revival among the youth…that they would see results with not only increased youth group attendance, but in new believers, on fire for Jesus and empowered with the Holy Spirit to reach their generation and beyond.
  • Continued Unity and that God would grant favor for smooth transition in their new building they just moved to on May 8, 2016, and that the church would be the church, not just a building, but empowered by the Holy Spirit, and given their next directions and assignments for reaching their city for Jesus.

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