Pray for the Church in Melun
David Broussard 0

Pray for the Church in Melun

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Pray for the work of God among the saints at Evangelical Church at Le Mée-Sur-Seine as the entire church has embarked on A New Building Campaign. Over the past 5 years the church has doubled from 75 to 150 committed and passionate members for Jesus. Witnessing such growth, Pastor Jérémie Déglon caught the vision for a new building that would allow the church to truly “Shine and Radiate” throughout the region. After God closed doors on one building, this 2017 spring He brought another building before the Pastor that give the church a great location, right in Le Mée-sur-Seine. One that more than meets future growth with 19,300 Sq. Ft. In June, a 176- day campaign was launched to raise the estimated 1.2 M Euros needed. With the members enthusiastically on board, within two weeks, more than 201,100 Euros was raised from among 150 persons.

Who is the Evangelical Church at Le Mée-sur-Seine? The People. It is clear that they view the church not as a building, nor as a religion or concept, but as a living and shining gathering of believers in love with God through personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They live it, their activities show it. Putting their faith in action, their hope is to be that radiant church to those around them.

What motivates this growing congregation? Finding love, grace, and freedom in Christ themselves, propels them to want everyone come to their own living relationship with Jesus Christ. This reflects in their priorities of having 5 small home groups (as they call them, house churches) where walking out faith and discipleship occur while being a welcoming place for people to form healthy community among each other.

What are they already doing? The church service is every Sunday, with a 45 minute coffee café beforehand. In addition, the first Wednesday of every month a Worship and Prayer evening is held. Both middle school (ages 11-15) and young adult (ages 15-26) groups meet on Saturdays. The young adults gather every other Saturday evening and share a meal together with Bible Study, special projects, and just to have fun. The church provides spiritual support and other support for those who have needs. The Word is a priority and various resources to help those seeking and in need are posted under a tag called : « Have Needs ».

Who is their pastor? Jérémie Déglon and his wife, Marilyne, have been married 17 years and have 4 children. Jérémie became pastor of the church Sept. 1, 2013. He also serves as a member of the Baptist Association, the Réseau FEF, CNEF and Director of seminaries. For ten years prior, he worked in commerce with multinational leaders. While he brought tremendous skillsets to the church, it is his passion, joy, and love for Jesus that is contagious (as caught from his video and messages) that perhaps is enabling such growth and unity in the church. To him, God is not a hidden God or one that you have to guess about, but a loving God who reveals Himself.

Why is the Melun area strategic for the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Le Mée-sur-Seine neighbors the city of Melun which is the capital of the Melun Department.

The Melun Department (pop. 1.3M) situates itself southeast within the larger region known as Ile de France, whose capital is Paris. Le Mée-sur-Seine is merely 41 KM (about 20 miles) from the center of Paris, home to about 20,844 (2007 latest data), among the 12M in the entire Ile de France region. The Melun Department, despite the growth from Paris, remains 60% farmland, making it the most agricultural industry within the Ile de France Region.

With trams and transportation available for commuters to Paris, the church is conveniently placed in an area of great growth, diverse and dense population. Once the church is able to move into their new building, increase of those coming to Christ and the church prayerfully will continue reaching south, north, and east of Melun and northwest into Paris proper.

Melun dates back to the times of the Gauls, fell under the Romans, and was a stop along the Roman road. Later in 845 AD, the Normans over took the area. Throughout the centuries, the region became home to Chateau Fontainebleau (south of Melun), one of the largest palaces built by French kings. Vaux-le-Vicomte, a chateau with a moat and Knight’s Templar command station are also found within the Department. But, in more modern times, it is known for the Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios, drawing large crowds every year.

Who is their harvest field? Multinationals, Parisians, and tourists. It is certainly strategically placed for reaching 1,000’s who live or pass through their area as they live out being the living church that “shines and radiates.”

Let’s pray:

Pray for safety and provision for all the needs of the pastor and his family. That in the midst of a building campaign that they would have times of refreshing for themselves.

For continued unity, joy, and passion for the Lord to grow deep within the fiber of the congregation. That they not faint in doing good and dreaming ways to reach their community with the love of Christ.

And, as Pastor Jérémie said so well:

  • Pray for safety and provision for our church members and all the believers in France
  • Pray for the spiritual growth in our midst and to see the Power of God manifested to reach into the region
  • Pray for the practical ongoing needs of the congregation: technical and administrative
  • Pray for the financial needs of the church and that the entire goal of $1.2 M will be raised far in advance of the deadline set by man.

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