Please reconsider Decision in HSS/RSS Hong Kong

To The RSS India Dear Central Committee, We know, Central Committee considers deputation of a person in a manner to utilize his services most efficiently. However presence of Shri Lakshamanaji in Hong Kong is so valuable for many Hindu people of different languages and we believe the organization has been benefited with his presence in Hong Kong. Only after he started working here there are so many new faces in the HSS Organization, not only from North but also from South and East Bharat are seen and the message is being spread across the territory in a very healthy manner. Please reconsider the decision and make him stay to spread the message of Hinduism and task of uniting Hindus for at least another couple of years. We humbly request any individual thoughts should not influence any Organization such as RSS which is very well known for its discipline and Structure. We believe the organization will not take any hasty decision of calling him back so soon. Please revise your decision of Calling back Mr.Lakshmanji Pracharak from Hong Kong.