Hi my name is Eduardo Horvilleur and I am in 6th grade and i am asking people to help me stop poverty here in Nicaragua. If this country works together to help the poor I believe that we can help a lot of people. One needs to see videos of a place called the Chureca. This is a place where the garbage is being dumped. We are blind to this big problem.
There are children living in this place. and a few hours of your time. please sign this petition to help this people 85% of the people there are dying because of lung cancer because of the burned trash. You could even donate $2 they feel really happy. They live between the trash they find a place to lay down inside the trash and wait for more trash to come. We need to stop trash being sent to the chureca this petition is asking the city of Managua,Nicaragua to stop bringing trash to la chureca so that we can help the people there. We can help the people