Postpone the Prosperity Exam
Michelle Hamman 0

Postpone the Prosperity Exam

75 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michelle Hamman 0 Comments
75 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Dr. Cho and fellow instructors,

This is a petition signed by the students of the class of 2022, and we are requesting you postpone the Prosperity exam for the following week. We ask that you take into account the stress of the current situation, as many are away from their families and trying to navigate what is essentially a country in shutdown. We are also all very worried about our families and friends. We ask that you consider how stressed and anxious we must feel. Many of us are also trying to get home, and most of us will be placed in a 2-week quarantine upon arrival. Some of us without access to WiFi. Second, please consider the time zones. For some students, if they were to attempt to write the Prosperity exam at your allocated time will thus be writing at 03:00am their time. This is not healthy to impose on anyone, in addition to what is already a very stressful situation.

Please imagine yourselves in our shoes. This is a global crisis, the likes of which have never happened before in any of our lifetimes and thus should be treated with the gravity that is accorded to such an issue. You can also understand our confusion at having a seminar this week as well as an exam when it was clearly stated by Leiden University that we would have no classes this week, online or otherwise, and that exams were cancelled. Also, we acknowledge that the faculty needed time to revise the education materials to suit an online platform, but now we have had all these upcoming events dropped very unexpectedly on us. We are very disappointed in this lack of empathy in these trying times.

We are not asking that the exam be canceled but postponed so options can be reviewed and the difference in time zones can be resolved without subjecting anyone to a 3am exam. Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you will consider our request.

The Class of 2022.

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