Postpone Prickett Decision Until Public Can Reconvene

Postpone Prickett Decision Until Public Can Reconvene

93 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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93 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We urge the Lower Makefield Board of Supervisors to hold off on attempting to hold a “virtual” public hearing on the “The Overlay District” until a regular public hearing can be held with the participation of all interested and impacted residents. The proposal to dramatically and permanently alter current zoning to allow for big box retail, apartments and new commercial construction has the potential to radically and permanently change the character of our community and our quality of life. This is a decision that cannot and should not be rushed into without being fully understood and discussed as a community. Regardless of where anyone currently stands on the proposal, we all believe it should not be expedited under special, new and changing rules and at a time of great uncertainty for our community. We urge you to act responsibly and in the best long-term interest of the Township to not fast track this important proposal and ensure a full, complete and comprehensive public review at a regular full public hearing.

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