we as students body of B. Tech 1st year GOVERMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE BIKANER, believe that the midterms should be postponed and classes should be conducted online. since, we have seen a very rapid rise in COVID cases in recent days and there have been absolutely no protocol followed on campus. The students have recently came back from their home as the classes resumed from 02, Januaury 2022, and there have been no testing or even body temperature is not checked and it has been seen that a lot of students are getting mild to very high fever and cold , and with all that has been going around now it has created a very trivial situation for students as they have to prepare for upcoming midterms and simultaneously cope up with Covid cases rising inside and outside campus .
Now the RAJASTHAN GOVERMENT even announced that colleges should conduct classes with 50% occupancy if otherwise classes should be conducted online. colleges have been shut in West Bengal, Harayana, Jharkhand, Punjab observing that schools and colleges can become severe hotspot of COVID. The least we can do is avoid such situations where our college becomes the nest breeding pool for a new covid variant. we have seen covid cases appearing on campus in single digits now and if all goes on like now an outburst is not too far. It is far better too take preventive measures now then to risk life of hundreds of students, faculty, staff and their family members.
we as student body ask the concerned authority (PRINCIPAL, ECB and VICE- CHANCELLOR, BTU) to take a look at our notion and take urgent action regarding postponing midterms exams and conducting online classes.