Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail
Steve Effros 0

Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail

88 signers. Add your name now!
Steve Effros 0 Comments
88 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As residents of Southeast Portland we have waited years for a promised MAX line from Portland to Milwaukie. But every time new plans for a MAX expansion are presented, the Milwaukie line is pushed further into the indefinite future. With growing development in the region, our major roads are becoming clogged with traffic. Commute times for both cars and buses have increased dramatically just in the past few years. And our aging infrastructure is barely able to handle the current load, much less what is projected for the future. A new MAX line from Portland to Milwaukie would create an invaluable link to downtown. MAX has the power to stimulate neighborhood improvement, reduce congestion, and create a reliable and environmentally responsible means of transportation for our part of the city. The time to make our voices heard is now. We have many potential advocates at the local and national level. In particular, US Representative Peter DeFazio was recently named the new Chair of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee. He and the rest of our congressional representatives now have the power to push forward important new transit initiatives, like the Portland-Milwaukie MAX line. Please make your voice heard by signing this petition. It will be sent to Trimet General Manager Hansen, Metro Councilors Liberty, Newman & Burkholder, State Representative Tomei, State Senator Brown, US Representatives DeFazio, Blumenauer & Hooley, and US Senators Wyden & Smith.


4.23.07 - A huge thank you to all those who participated in this online petition! It was more successful than I would have ever guessed. I will be mailing it out at the end of the month. It will be sent to all those listed in the petition, in addition to our mayor and commissioners. So be sure to sign the petition and tell your friends! IMPORTANT NOTE: You do NOT have to donate to this web site. Simply fill out the information, press \"sign petition\" and exit the site. I am a resident of Sellwood concerned about transit throughout the region and particularly in our part of the city. You can contact me at milwaukiemax@yahoo.com
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