Keep our Beaches and Trails From Being Destroyed!!

The issue of ATV /Dirt bike usage in the Grand Bay West Beach areas (Channel-Port aux Basques, Newfoundland), has been on the rise these past few years. There have been various stewardship programs put into place over the years to try and protect the tranquility of this area, however, it has failed to work. Both children and adults use these beaches for their leisurely playground. The trails have become practically unusable for anyone who is not traveling on an ATV. The people of this area do not realize what they have. This area is abundant in historical and cultural heritage. What was once a flourishing farm land/Wet land area, is now seeing a dramatic decline in its wetlands and natural beauty. The main cause of this destruction is the usage of ATV and Dirt Bikes on the trails. Something has to be done to limit the amount of traffic going on these trails and beaches. We are requesting that an area be created for these riders to use their ATV/ bikes. This will decrease most of the traffic and keep the area pristine. With the amount of people involved in ATV, Dirt Bike activities in our area, it would be a benefit on both levels; a legal area to riders to go,and our beaches would no longer have to suffer from the damage.