Defend Paddy Besiris. Defend St Matts Campus.

St Matthias Campus Chair Paddy Besiris is being victimised by UWESU management. The university is looking to push through huge cuts, meaning lecturers will lose their jobs and departments will close. The whole of St Matts campus is facing closure. This is while university management are aiming to raise tuition fees Paddy has been at the centre of the campaign to defend education, being part of the university occupation last year, helping organise demonstrations in Bristol and in London, and organising support for striking lecturers. UWESU, on the other hand, has shown more support for university management than for the students they claim to represent, and are now threatening to remove Paddy from the position he was democratically elected to. Paddy was elected to represent St Matts students, and is being victimised for defending them. We demand an Emergency General Meeting to put an end to the witch-hunt. Sign the petition.