Politicians to financially stand with Americans during pandemic.

During the Covid-19 pandemic the American people have been forced to leave their businesses, and jobs for the safety of all Americans. Yet, big government has prevailed. With no consequences to their lively hoods. Current and past Politicians have not been financially affected. Taxes will need to be raised and forced on American workers once this is over. We the people demand that our political public servants truly stand with the American people during this financial crisis. We demand every single political figure in the United States, to financially cut their current income, and or pension to reflect the current income of the average American, in solidarity with the people you vowed to serve. This goes for every governor, mayor, council person, congressional, senator, speaker, as well as the judicial branch. Back pay from the start of this lockdown can be returned to the federal government toward the tremendous debt that has been created over the years.
The American people.