Formal Request for Increased Presence

To Whom It May Concern: We, the businesses and landowners of the Wynwood Arts District and the Miami Design District, are appalled at recent acts of violence and theft that have occurred among us. We feel strongly that our businesses, our presence, our events, and our patrons have brought to Miami the unique asset of a vibrant arts community. It is thanks to the above mentioned that local hotels, restaurants, convention centers, and all tourist related activities have increased significantly. It can also be credited to the business and property owners of these two neighborhoods that we now see a much needed renaissance of Miamis downtown areas we have helped turned once abandoned warehouse districts into populated pockets of culture and are truly disappointed that while the city is always on point in collecting their property tax, licensing fees, and the like we are un-able to rely on the City of Miami police department for a regular presence to protect our patrons. On Friday March 28th a young woman well respected by the art and design community was violently mugged in broad daylight at 2 p.m. While we are aware that we are considered a transitional neighborhood and as such are always vigilant in terms of our own safety, it is un-acceptable that a crime like this should happen during the one of the busiest times of the day. It is our request that a regulated police presence, (whether on foot, on bicycle, horse back, or car) patrol our neighborhoods during regular business hours and during the increasingly popular second Saturday art walk. We feel it is our minimal right to be protected and to confidently invite our patrons into our spaces without fearing for their safety. Sincerely, The business and land owners of the Wynwood Arts District and The Miami Design District.