Pocket Tanks Cheat Fix
Reggie M 0

Pocket Tanks Cheat Fix

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Reggie M 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We request an urgent Pocket Tanks update that will require all volleys to be connected to the game server, so that no offfline shots can be made during online gameplay. This is vital to preventing the most commonly used cheat, one which is destroying the integrity of the game. This cheat allows players to turn off their wifi and take as many offline shots as they want to in-game during their turn, discard the shots they don’t like, and handpick whatever shot they want to play.

This problem must be fixed. Currently, only the first volley requires a connection to the game server. We request that ALL volleys require connection to the game server... or that another fix is given ASAP. Thank you.

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