Lynn Abercrombie 0

Please sign! Make Cumbernauld Safe

662 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lynn Abercrombie 0 Comments
662 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

On Sunday the 12 th of July my nephew fell from the bridge above the underpass in Cumbernauld he's 5 years old and a typical boy who loves to climb. He is now recovering with a fractured skull and 2 broken arms, his mum and dad have also been told he may develop learning and behaviour problems. We want to prevent this happening to another child. As family we are so proud of Dylan but he is a very lucky boy and worry that another child may not be as lucky. We want the council to make this safe and to stop kids climbing. Please sign this so Dylans Mum can show how much support they have. Thanks

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