On December 20th of 2011 one of the most anticipated mmorpg's was released on pc. That game was EA, Lucasarts and Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic. Amongst early rumors that the title was considered to be released on home consoles as well as on pc, it never happened and among speculation it doesn't seem to be in the works. I believe that every Star Wars and MMORPG fan has the right to enjoy this game. Some sources claim that neither the Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3 has the specs to handle this game. I beg to differ. The Old Republics graphics look extremely similar to current games on consoles such as Kingdoms of Amalur and DC universe online. DC universe online is a console MMORPG for the PS3. I own this game and find that it runs rather well on the system. What I do not understand is why these companies chose to only release SWTOR only on PC when there is even more money to be made on console systems as well as the opprotunity to please more Star Wars fans and fans of the MMORPG genre. I know there are thousands if not more of you out there that simply cannot afford a top of the line gaming pc. This petition is for all of you that wish to show EA, Bioware and Lucasarts that we deserve a port of this title. Please show your support and sign the petition. I will be taking this straight to those companies after we reach a high enough margin. Thank you!