Senior and Junior Class 0

Please let the TAs Come on the College Trip

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Dear Sefa and Stephanie,

First, the senior and junior class would like to thank you for all the hard work that you have done these past summers. Thank you for choosing us to be apart of this program. We are asking that you take into consideration of allowing our senior TAs and our junior TAs onto the college trip. In addition, we would like to request that Jesus is not allowed on this college trip because throughout this summer he has made us uncomfortable and we do not want to feel this way during a time when we are supposed to be learning about where we want to go for college and building stronger relationships with one another. We have formed a deep connection with each of these TAs not only because they were our TAs, but also because of the community that you have taught us to build, and for that we thank you. The senior and junior class is so excited for this trip and appreciative of all your hard work that you have done to plan this entire adventure. Please take into consideration our request. We are insurmountably thankful for everything you have done and we cannot wait to continue working with you all this school year. Thank you so much!


The Senior Class and Junior Class

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