please leave me try to be a mum to my baby
Claire Phillips 0

please leave me try to be a mum to my baby

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Please help me to have a chance to be a mum.i have a disability a learning one throw being achol syndrome baby and had social services in my life for years as my mum passed away so been in care most of my life I am 19 now and just had a new born baby her name is grace she is 3 days old . Unfortunately grace is ill at the moment throw a difficult birth and due to my dispilty I don't understand what is happening with her well I have sicial services and they want to take my baby grace in to care then up for adoption as I have my dispilty and they think im incapable of caring for her so I have been asking please can I have a chance to learn to be a new mum so I can go to a mum and baby placment where they can give me 24hr supervison and learn me to be a good mum and then if I fail then take my baby I just wush sum1 can help

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