Please help us to save a piece of Public property (public access site) "Donated to the people of the State of Michigan"

This petition is to help us save what is believed to be the last piece of public land left in the in both the village limits of Sebewaing and Sebewaing township. And we believe that Thelma Whitlock's wishes should be honored! Mrs. Whitlock donated this piece of land in honor/memory of her late husband Dr. Stanley Whitlock to the people of Michigan for the conservation of wildlife.
Dr. Whitlock worked for the State of Michigan Conservation and wildlife division for approximately 21 years. And there are a lot of people that feel that the donated property "with a memorial Plaque mounted on this property" should remain in possession of both the residents of Sebewaing and the State of Michigan. This is a beautiful piece of State land, with "Public Access" located within the Sebewaing Village limits, at the end of Pine & Miller St.
A question that has been raised: Does Bay Shore Camp and Ministry truly need more land, especially more wooded land than they already have?
There is a meeting in Lansing on Jan. 15, 2015! That will be our final deadline to get this halted. With that said, we need as many signatures & support as we can get. If we don't take a stand, Sebewaing will lose its public access site. After the Lansing meeting, there will be an official decision entered into record and the transaction-transfer-trade-purchase will go through as planned!
Anyone interested in additional information can email me at www.donkain3@aol.com; Subject matter; Donated Public Land Take-over/Trade! I will be more than happy to hear questions, comments, and concerns. And also help direct you to contact information, to help you voice your opinions and hopefully help us to stop this take-over/trade.
There is no fee to sign this Petition, it is not something that I added in. But rather do not know how to remove currently, so after voting it might ask you if you want to donate to this cause. Please do not feel obligated to doing so, it is not expected nor required!