Please help me gain custody of my son!!

I have only one thing on my mind and it is the most important and rewarding of all-time: Logan. I love my son with every fiber of my being and am his biggest advocate. I will not stop fighting until he gets what he deserves: A real, loving family. I grew up without a father in my life and when I found out I would be having a child, I knew instantly that I would be an attentive, supportive, and loving father who is actively involved in every aspect of his life. Unfortunately, this is becoming extremely difficult as his mother is making it impossible for this to be a reality. I lost my job in Wisconsin and while I looked around, could not find anything else in the area so I made the most difficult and heart wrenching decision ever and ventured to Florida for a new position. I have tried being civil to my ex and was hoping that we could split custody 50/50 with me having him one month in FL and the next month with his mother in WI. After 5 mediation sessions, she will not agree to this and so the only time I am able to see my son is when I make trips back to WI, which is difficult as I fear I'll lose my new job. My ex is being extremely malicious and is trying to deny Logan from having a relationship with his father. Therefore, I no longer want a split custody agreement and am now in need of everyone's help in helping me gain full custody of Logan so that he can be raised in a loving, happy environment with lots of much needed and deserved attention. This is going to be a long fight and having your support by signing my petition would be greatly appreciated.
Also, please click on the link to the right if you would like to make a donation to help with my legal fees.
Thank you and God Bless!!