Please Help Bring Riley Home
- This is a hard thing to do, putting this out here.
In Feburary, there was a situation, and 2 of my grandchildren, Riley and Amelia, were placed in emergency care of Amelia's father, Austin. I was in Kentucky when this happened. Austin is NOT Riley's father, and was never even a stepfather. As soon as I found out what was going on, I was on my way back to Indiana. Within 2 hours, I packed my life up, and moved to be here with them.
Since then, I have filed a petition for Guardianship for Riley. I am filing for my grandparents rights for Ameila as well.
I have always been an active participant in my grandchildrens lives. It was nothing for Miranda to pull up in my driveway with the kids on a regular basis. I not only saw them, but we would facetime almost daily. I love them, and they love their Nana.
Anyone that knows me, knows how passionate I am about my family, how much I love them. They are my life. Why would anyone try to keep us apart? I am a good mother, and grandmother, one that would move the earth if I could to protect them from this harsh thing called life.
The reason I am having to file my petition for guardianship and grandparent rights is because Austin has been unwilling to let me be a part of my grandchildrens lives. He has not consulted with my Daughter, Miranda, on life altering decisions where the children are concerned. This man has had 2 children with his ex wife, and just signed his rights away to them. Just gave his own 2 children away. Part of the reason was that he was to busy, and didnt have time for them. He still works the same 2nd shift job, with overtime. Just gave his 2 children away. And now, is trying to keep my grandson, a child he shares no blood with, away from his grandmother.
I have attempted to visit with them. Austin demands that he be there, and we can only meet at a public place. Austin stays there, and "supervises" our visits. He will not let me take the children. He will not let them come to my house and play. You cannot bond with children when only getting to play with them every 2 weeks at a playground, full of fun equipment, and other children.
Here's a kicker. Riley's biological father is not a part of Riley's life. Never has been. Riley's paternal grandparents have not been a huge part of Riley's life. As a matter of fact, up until just recently, Riley did not know them. Austin took it upon himself, without communicating with Riley's mother, Miranda to contact the paternal grandparents, and immediately let Riley, and Ameila, who is of no blood to them, stay overnight with the paternal grandparents. Complete strangers. Shouldn't Riley's own mother have been consulted on this? Dont we teach our children about Stranger Danger? Yet I, the grandpartent that Riley knows, and loves, cannot go pick my grandson up, and have him come play at my house. His paternal grandmother now gets to go pick Riley up every Tuesday afternoon. While I now get to see my grandchildren for just a few hours a week, or every other week, when I can take time off work, and go see him while Miranda is allowed to have her visitation, just so that I wont have to deal with Austin.
Riley also has an Aunt, my other daughter, Angela. She also does the same now, piggybacking on Miranda's visitations in order to see the children. Her reasoning behind doing it, is because she says its strange and awkward, having to always meet in public with Austin being there. Austin is keeping Riley from Miranda's family, because he can, and this is what he likes to do. Be in Control.
Rileys roots are deep here in Brown County. His biological father, while not in Rileys life, does have a big family. And Riley does deserve to know his heritage. I have no issue with them being in his life. I encourage it, a child can never have enough love. He deserves to be in an environment filled with love, and laughter.
One concern is about splitting him away from Amelia. I am not the parent, so I know trying to get a child from her father would be difficult, this is why I am filing my grandparent rights for her. The children will still be able to see each other with me, and during their visits with their mother, I will make sure of this. Again, Austin is not Riley's father, or stepfather, just someone the court appointed as his caregiver. I would have taken Riley immediately, but again, I moved here the same day this happened. I had to have time to find a home to move into, which I accomplished within 5 days of the incident that caused this heartache.
Once I filed my petition for guardianship, for whatever reason, Austin filed a separate one, trying to keep Riley. Miranda wants Riley with me as well. She knows Riley will have a good life with his Nana, until she can be in a place where she can take care of him again.
No one can understand Austin's reasoning as to why he is doing any of this. He has already demonstrated that he can just give his children away, to anyone. I have raised my girls, and was, and still am a good mother. I am a good grandmother.
I am asking you to sign this petition, asking you to help me bring Riley home to his family. If you know me, know that I am a good person, if I have touched your life, and if you believe that families should stay together, please help me. I don't know if this petition will help, but I am desperate to bring my little monkey back to where he belongs.
Thank you, Agana