Please, give Rozhan another chance!

238 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
238 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Our colleague Rozhan in second year 6MD is about to get expelled from our university due to PE!

Rozhan is a good student who passed all her exams last year except for PE! which was hard due to some personal problems. That is why we kindly want to ask the dean of the medical university of Lodz and the PE department to give her another chance to make it up. Because we as students believe that she deserve it, and that she is able to make it up as soon as possible!

That's why we are signing here as students of the medical university of Lodz to give Rozhan another chance to make up PE classes!

Thanks to the dean and the PE department in advance for your understanding of the situation!

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