Please Fix the GPS issue for Zenfone 5 T00J A501CG and release the x86 private source code of BCM2076 chipset.
We trusted your products from motherboards, video cards and mobile devices. So when the first Zenfone was released there was no questions asked and we bought it. Online reviews started to flourished giving it the best priced phone in the market. We loved the Zenfone 5 and recommended it to friends, relatives and to strangers in FB groups and forums. We get a stream of constant support from your company by providing use firmware updates from jellybean to lollipop. As the brand Zenfone established to be the bang for the buck phone in the market. You guys rolled out different models like the Zenfone 2, Zenfone 2 Laser, Zenfone 2 Selfie and so much more.
We original Zenfone 5 users were slowly abandoned and left aside. We still need some issues fixed like dreaded GPS issue. Our phones have GPS fix issues. There are times we can get a GPS fix but most of the time even on a clear sunny day in the middle of nowhere we CAN'T acquire any GPS Fix at all. Also the accuracy of our GPS location is a HIT or MISS.
To Help our Zenfone 5 Dev Community please release the private code of GPS and FM Radio of ASUS and Broadcom to make these functions work on custom ROMs.
We need the x86 private source code of BCM2076 chipset.
GPS isn't just a feature for tagging your location in social media or geotagging your pictures you have taken. Getting a good GPS fix is a NECESSITY because majority of us use this feature for finding our way out from a bumper to bumper traffic. Going on a long road trip and help us find that turn or exit. Or wandering through an unfamiliar location.
We know that the Marshmallow update is just for the wishing thinking. We just want to have a great and reliable phone. A phone that will help us on our daily lives. We just want to have a stable reliable phone.
To the Zenfone team, please help us make our experience with your phone the way you wanted it to be.