Please Dont Split My Family Up

If there were ever a time that I felt like anything but human, it would have been these last four years in the asylum system of Britain. I've been molested, raped, detained, forced to move with my three girls, signing in weekly as that of a criminal and treated lower than the scum on shoes. And not even allowed to work, only volunteer as long as the parameters are intact (meaning, if a citizen could do that voluntary position and receive a position, I'm not allotted the voluntary position). My fresh claim (which means a new claim after denial) was put in at the beginning of this year. It was than denied in June and I was given the papers when I signed into immigration as I do EVERY Thursday. The meeting wasn't even written to me, just sprung whilst signing in. To be fair, it was about ten minutes and no malice, even slightly humorous. Until I was ALLOWED to leave, then the female of the two immigration officers told me "just so you know, I phoned social services and since the girls can't be removed, we're taking them from you to have you deported not them." She said it so off-handed, I didn't really believe her. 20 hrs later, after Rob (my partner) and I did the school run & some bits in town, we went home to drop everything off and get ready for the gym. A few minutes home an INSANELY LOUD KNOCKING at our door. Not just a couple times either, a few minutes worth. 3 woman were at our door, they said "we're talking to you now to take the children" one with a cane pushed her way into my house. Synapsis: 5-10 minutes of 3 women berating me and Rob in my kitchen-calling me a liar and saying the states never happened and I wasn't raped at the gym I volunteered at. Loads of name-calling, one w/cane kept squaring off to me and being very aggressive I kicked them out. (10:15am) Minutes later, we were on our way to the school to get the girls out and seek help. School phoned "Michelle its urgent get here now, they locked Aliena into the office and we can't get her." Here's the breakdown over the last 3.5 weeks: Immigration phoned Social Services Social Services harassed and terrorized out family 1-at school 2-at home 3- tried to put me into a psych ward for no reason 4-placed an Emergency Child Protection Order for Emotional Abuse WITHOUT ANY CONSENT FROM schools, dr's, parents, child counselors Immigration further went into my rape case from January at Pure Gym and now I'm possibly BEING ARRESTED since they're saying I wanted to be with the personal trainer that raped me when I was with someone else! Next week, MONDAY- Child Protection Info Mandated Meeting TUESDAY- Police 'Interview' and Told need a solicitor THURSDAY- Immigration Meeting to leave Britain without my girls. My three girls are 11, 8 and 5. I am due to wed in a month and my girls (especially the youngest) only KNOWS Britain. Please help us.