Shan Sun 0

Please do NOT change the name of Diaoyu Islands

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Dear Honorable Secretary Clinton:

We are writing to ask Your Honor to reconsider the recent decision by the State Department to remove the name of the Diaoyu Islands, an island chain in the East China Sea, leaving only the Japanese name of Senkaku Islands. This decision has caused profound disappointment and sadness among the 1.3 billion Chinese people as well as millions of Chinese-Americans because it demonstrates a complete disregard for the historical facts of this region. This decision is offensive and it has caused us to question whether our country, the United States, still upholds a fair and just value.

As you are well aware, in the last century Japan has inflicted so much harm to China and other regions in Asia causing the deaths and suffering of untold millions. Some of our parents and grandparents were among the perished. Your Honor yourself have repeatedly addressed the “comfort women” historical issue; that by itself is only a small item on a list of crimes and atrocities Japan had committed. Yet Japan has never issued formal apologies to Asian people that it terrorized nor acknowledged those war crimes in its history textbooks.

There are strong signs that the right-wing militant Japanese are gaining strength aiming at the re-militarization to restore Japan’s pre-WWII glory. The State Department’s decision to acknowledge only the Japanese name for Diaoyu Islands is a signal to Japan and the rest of the region that United States supports the incremental steps Japan is taking to gain the military dominance in the region. It would be totally naiveté, to think we can control such development over time. Perhaps it is time for the United States to re-examine its own history with Japan. A re-militarized Japan will again look to its west but this time it will meet hard resistances from both China and Korea; it will not be able to enjoy the easy onslaught as it once did. The logic path for Japan therefore is to venture eastward to claim the vast Pacific Ocean as its backwater. We must be aware that what has happened before will happen again such as the hard lesson of “Pearl Harbor”.

History is a mirror, it reflects and also predicts. Japan has harassed China numerous times in the last 400 years. It has demonstrated over and over that it is an extremely aggressive power and it will always seek every opportunity to invade its neighbors. The United States must be very careful to allow Japan’s re-militarization. We would be making a big mistake to assume otherwise.

Set history aside, we applaud and appreciate Your Honor’s stance on “comfort women” and your articulation to refer the term as “enforced sex slaves”. We know you care.

Many of us Chinese-Americans came over to the United States to escape the sufferings and chaos as the result of Japanese aggression and oppression in WWII. We adopted the US as our new home and in-turn we have devoted our loyalty and service to the land and people we adore and appreciate. We would do our utmost to safeguard our homeland, the United States, to ensure her forever prosperity, not to be threatened by any power, especially not the remilitarized Japan.

Honorable Secretary, we strongly urge you to reverse the decision to re-instate Diaoyu Islands name. We believe this is an irresponsible action on the part of the State Department and it violates American values. Most of all it projects a deep insult to the Chinese people world-wide.




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我們希望您在國務院把中國東海釣魚島名稱改為只用日文尖閣群島的決定再做考慮。這個決定深深地刺痛了13億中國人民以及千千萬萬美籍華人,因為它完全地忽略了這個地區的歷史現實。由於這個決定有 明顯的侮辱性,使得我們對美國是否還能維持公平正義的價值產生了疑問。

其實您知道的很清楚,日本軍國主義在上世紀對中國和亞洲地區帶來了無法估量的死亡和痛苦,我們之中有許多人的父母和他們的父母都是受害者。您自己也再三地對“慰安婦”的罪行發表您的意見,但那不過只是日本罄竹難書暴行的一小部分;可是日本從未對他們的罪惡向亞洲人民做出正式的道歉,對他們的戰爭罪行也不在國內教科書上提及 。








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