Please, Canada, no new25,000 Immigrants...for now.

I, franky alain, am starting this petition, especially because of what has happened in Paris, France, tonight, but also, because I feel strongly about it.
I am a strong, proud Canadian. We recently stood up as never before and voted for change, and , change is what we got. YAY!
In the blink of an eye, the world changed, as well. New Government, to reflect a new world. Millions of migrants going through Europe, and of, course, Canada wants to do her part.
But today.
Reality hits. If only 1 out of 1000 refugees are extremists, and we let them in, well, we could be in Paris' shoes.
Nos coeurs sont avec vous, et tout l'europe qui a ete envahie. Nous sommes si desolers, et nous vous tenons dans nos coeurs.
2 days ago was November 11th, Lest we forget.
I also remember Sept. 11th ( 19 people did that)
I will also remember Nov. 13 (9? people did that?)
So, please, Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, PLEASE re-think the speed in which we let refugees here.
I have a child, as do you. Think twice, go slow, remember, the Tortoise won the race against the Hare.
Thank you,
all undersigned...