Please Bring :leah: Back To The Treehouse

To Whom It My Concern,
As a member of the treehouse Discord server, I have experienced utter pain and disbelief due to the most recent change in the emote selection. On September 16, 2020, I had requested an emote to be added, and I felt no wrongdoing with this action. It was an appropriate time to ask, and there is no harm to any member of this community with my request. GavinK has been featured on few Twitch channels, and many discord servers, similar to the treehouse. It contains a simple freeze frame from one of many videos that were posted on Gavin And Nick Mastodon's Vine page when the social media platform was still active. I think the addition of this emote is a necessity to this ever changing discord server. Please take this request into thoughtful consideration, as my life might deteriorate without it.
Thank You