Pleasant Grove needs a USPS Mail Carrier!!
Jill Clifton 0

Pleasant Grove needs a USPS Mail Carrier!!

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jill Clifton 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The residents of Pleasant Grove are petitioning the USPS for a new mail carrier because we have had numerous issues with out current carrier...

1) many of us are getting our neighbors mail instead of or in addition to our own.

2) many of us go for days or longer without getting any mail.

3) packages come up missing on a regular basis. Half the time they are delivered to our neighbors instead and half the time they just go missing.

4) in the past our current carrier has called the police on young children playing in our neighborhood innecessaorly, tying up our cities local police resources for no reason.

5) our current carrier hardly ever get out of her vehicle, she will cram packages, even those marked with Do Not Bend into our mail boxes to avoid having to get out and put them on our porches

6) many of us have made individual calls to our local postmaster with no response and no resolution. The postmaster himself recommended this petition in order to see some action!

Residents of Pleasant Grove in OKC are encouraged to sign this petition so we can show the postmaster that we are tired of subpar service in our neighborhood and that we DEMAND to have our complaints heard and action taken towards correcting the problem.

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