Plea for further reduction AGS Muscat last term tuition fees

Since the MoE has ordered to close all public and private schools for summer break from 7th of May due to Covid19 measures, AGS Muscat has to close their online learning too. The Summer school they started is, however creative and with all good intentions in mind, highly inadequate to justify parents to pay the full 3rd term tuition fee. The earlier 20 % discount doesn't cover for the loss of educational content. If we do the math: of the 42 days of learning only 13 are offered. This is 31% delivered services. So why should we pay for services not offered since the summer school is supposedly free? The purpose for this petition is to start a democratic and open negotiation to establish a fair price for all parties concerned. These are unpresedented times that require measures nobody has ever thought to be necessary. This is not in any way meant to disadvantage the school, but many families are struggling financially. We are just asking for a fair and transparent deal, so that we can all find confidence and consensus to reestablish a new foundation for 2020/21 academic school year.