Planet Love... because it is.

I LOVE, THEREFORE I AM. (NOTE: WHEN SIGNING THE PETITION, PLEASE ADD A COMMENT -- OR AT LEAST STATE YOUR CITY, STATE AND COUNTRY. THANKS!) Welcome to the global online petition to change the name of Planet Earth to Planet Love. The words we use to define our world directly influence how we live in it. When we speak words that possess the highest and best meaning, we create for ourselves a world that reflects the meaning imbibed in these words. And what is higher than Love When we speak the word LOVE to describe our world, we generate the experience of all that which LOVE means. Imagine everyone speaking the word LOVE every time we speak of the world in which we live. I invite you to sign the global online petition to change the name of Planet Earth to Planet Love. . . because it is. You can also leave a comment and let everyone know that we all now live on Love. Join the Planet Love on Facebook, too: http://www.facebook.com/group.phpgid=37080481347#/group.phpgid=6972902737