Giovanni Segar 0

Release the piazza map to the public

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Giovanni Segar 0 Comments
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The new map looks cool, but unfortunately will only be for clan warring. 

I am the kind of guy who will clan war when he has a chance, but I feel sorry for those who don't clan war, and I don't like the idea of having a map ONLY accessible through clan wars.

Now, I understand that this is in the effort to make clans more appealing and as a sort of compensation for the server error, but here's my idea:


1. For the first two months, have the new map as a clan war only map.

2. After this period, release it to the whole public.



1. Clans still get the boost of activity due to a clan only map

2. Players who don't have a clan, or who don't like clan warring, or who just want to play public games in this map still get to use it once the 2 months are up.


None that I can think of


Nexon, it's obvious the goal of a clan only map is to boost clan activity. I mean, right when the server error is about to be fully fixed and people want clans, you're releasing a new clan only map, the first time you've ever done that sort of thing.

We like that it's a search and destroy map, been a while.

But we'll eventually want to play it in pub matches, because that's what the majority of people do.


So please, take this into consideration.

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