Physical Activities as Forum Credit
Dyson Bowman 0

Physical Activities as Forum Credit

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dyson Bowman 0 Comments
17 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We demand that Bluffton University requires physical activity as forum credit. The students, at this time, are not required to participate or complete any physical activity. Our students need a reason to participate in physical activity to acquire the health benefits associated with physical activity.

Our group is trying to get physical activity as a forum requirement credit. Structured classes such as yoga, meditation, Zumba, weight training, etc. would be offered weekly. A Bluffton University student would be required to fulfill a specific amount of credits during their undergraduate career. The amount of forum credit needed to graduate would not increase but we would simply replace some of the existing forum credits with physical activity credit.

Physical activity needs to be a requirement due to the many benefits that it entails. Among those benefits are lowering the health risks for many major diseases such as the risk for developing diabetes and dying from coronary heart disease. Physical activity helps maintain healthy bones, joints, and muscles; it also reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression and improves overall mood. Obesity has become a major issue in the U.S., the amount of overweight people have tripled since the early 1970’s, physical activity helps maintain weight and reduces the chance of becoming overweight.

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