We the undersigned Patients of The Phoenix Medical Practice Doncaster wish to show our support for Dr Mohammed Aurangzeb Khan who has been suspended from working as our GP.
We believe that Dr Khan is a valuable and trusted member of the community who has served his patients and the wider Doncaster community with integrity and the utmost professionalism for over 20 years. We believe he has already been punished by the courts and paid for his misconduct and that further punishment and/or sanction would be unfair and unreasonable.
Despite Dr Khan’s conviction and the adverse publicity, we continue to have full trust, confidence and faith in his ability and suitability to practice as a doctor and more importantly as OUR GP.
We therefore request the General Medical Council and the Doncaster Primary Care Trust to allow Dr Khan to return to practice as a GP so that he can again serve his patients and the wider community.