Help get Planet Fitness to start Recylcling!
Chrissy Uranga 0

Help get Planet Fitness to start Recylcling!

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Chrissy Uranga 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The aim of this petition is to collect as many signatures as possible to forward to the Planet Fitness corporate offices in order to sway them to add recycling bins in all their facilities. I am currently a member of a Planet Fitness branch in New Hampshire, which hosts more than 8,800 exercisers per week! If even half of those people do not use reusable water bottles, and throw recyclable bottles away in the provided trash receptacles, that\'s 4,400 water bottles a week being thrown away instead of being recycled! (Only in my ONE branch!) Planet Fitness currently has 149 gyms around the U.S., which, according to the above averages, means 655,600 plastic bottles thrown away from these 149 gyms per week!(19,668,000 a month, 236,016,000 a year!) Plastic from these bottles could (and should) be recycled for manufacturing fiber (carpet and clothing), containers, new bottles, lawn and garden products, plastic lumber (for decks, benches and picnic tables), and even automobile parts. By adding your name to this petition, you are helping to create awareness in the corporate offices of Planet Fitness that a non-recycling facility is simply inexcusable! Thank you for taking the time to address this important issue. Peace and Love. Chrissy Uranga


Currently I am sponsoring this petition- if anyone else would like to sponsor our cause, please e-mail me at


You can also contact Planet Fitness Corporate to let them know about our cause at:
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