We, the undersigned homeowners of Windsong Cove, express our concerns regarding the
current financial state of our community and seek immediate action to address the following
1. Reserve Funding Shortfall
● We are deeply concerned about the significant shortfall in reserve funding. The current
level of 39% is inadequate to cover future maintenance and repair costs.
● We request a detailed explanation of how this shortfall occurred and a clear plan to
increase reserve levels without resorting to frequent special assessments.
2. Budgetary Transparency and Oversight
● We propose the formation of a Budget-Finance Committee to provide additional
oversight of the budget and financial decisions.
● We request that all meetings be recorded and meeting minutes be promptly posted to
the resident portal.
● We urge the board to review vendor contracts and seek competitive bids to identify
potential cost savings.
3. Specific Concerns
● Insurance: We request a review of insurance providers to identify potential cost-saving
● Postage: We propose transitioning to paperless communication to reduce unnecessary
● Vendor Contracts: We urge the board to review landscaping and other vendor contracts
to identify potential cost savings.
● Water Leak Restoration: We question the recurring high costs for water leak restoration
and request a detailed investigation into the root causes of these issues.
We believe that by addressing these concerns, we can improve the financial health of our
community and ensure a sustainable future for Windsong Cove.
We respectfully request a timely response to this petition and a commitment to implementing
solutions that prioritize the best interests of all homeowners.