Petition to Supreme Court to hear Dairy Farmers case
Jonathan and Claudia Haar New York 0

Petition to Supreme Court to hear Dairy Farmers case

47 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jonathan and Claudia Haar New York 0 Comments
47 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Whereas: U.S. dairy farmers are under siege by those purporting to be their representatives, specifically National Milk Producers Federation’s (NMPF) Dairy Farmers of America (DFA).

Whereas: There exists a wide-ranging monopsony\monopoly as a result of Sherman Act violations by the defendants and their NMPF associates.

Whereas: These violations have cost the U.S. tax payers, as consumers who have not benefited from the collapse of farm milk prices, and as the loss of family farms has drained the rural communities of the economic resources which these farms provide.

Whereas: The defendants and their henchmen have used and are using their monopoly/monopsony to extract exorbitant and punitive fees from select farms and farmers for example:

and have used their monopoly power to extort support to affect the outcome of this case in the U.S. Federal Courts. See District of Vermont Docket No. 5:09-cv-00230, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Docket No. 16-1944.

Whereas: The class’s counsel and the courts have failed in their fiduciary responsibilities to protect the class and the citizens of the United States of America.

We citizens of the United States of America implore the United States Supreme Court to hear the case of our family dairy farmers.

Signed:_____________________________ Town, State: _______________________ Date:_________

Signed:_____________________________ Town, State: _______________________ Date:_________

Signed:_____________________________ Town, State: _______________________ Date:_________

Signed:_____________________________ Town, State: _______________________ Date:_________

Signed:_____________________________ Town, State: _______________________ Date:_________

Signed:_____________________________ Town, State: _______________________ Date:_________

[Additional Signatures on Reverse]

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