Petition to stop idling train noise pollution in the middle of the night.
Daniel Chan 0

Petition to stop idling train noise pollution in the middle of the night.

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Daniel Chan 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned, petition the BNSF Railway to remedy the noise pollution problem caused by the damaging sound levels of train engines idling outside of our homes. As residents living within the vicinity of the train tracks located at 1550 S Blue Island Ave Chicago, Il, the noise caused by the idling train engines at all hours of the day and night is negatively impacting our right to the quiet enjoyment of our homes; creating an environment that is detrimental to both health and well being.

Our children cannot get the necessary rest and sleep they need for their growth and development due to the persistent idling train engines throughout the night. It has been well documented as to the benefits of a full night's sleep, and the harm to the human mind and body that can occur due to a lack of sleep.

Sleep deprivation can impact one's mind and body; impairing judgment, and causing more accidents and illness. During rest and sleep the body fights infection, illness, and other ailments and regenerates the mind.

The frequency, volume, and hours of the idling train engines create a negative environment for sleep, healing, working, and the overall quality of life. And last, but not least, the noise pollution caused by these has created an undue financial burden upon us by negatively impacting the value of our homes.

ACTION PETITIONED FOR: We, the undersigned, urge the BNSF Railway to cease idling train engines at all hours of the night, and to create a "Quiet Zone" from 11pm-7am within our neighborhood.

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