Deadpool Movie Support Petition

With the release of the Deadpool video game and some talk about the status of a Deadpool movie that has been sitting as just a script for over a year now I think it's a good time for fans of the merc with a mouth to step up and say... "Yes we want a Deadpool movie, yes we want it rated R, yes we will go see it when it comes out, and yes we will pay for overpriced theater slushies." It seems like the only thing holding back the movie is Fox's concern with how an R rated Deadpool movie would fare in the box office. As you can see here. http://geektyrant.com/news/2013/3/26/deadpool-movie-update-from-the-guys-who-wrote-it.html From the sounds of it the Deadpool movie has the potential to be awesome, and we know Ryan Reynolds is dedicated to presenting Deadpool in an accurate way instead of the cheap knockoff we got in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Ryan Reynolds is a fan of Deadpool, and there's no better scenario to me for a superhero movie than having the ones calling the shots to be big fans of the source material. Deadpool is, I dare say, the most beloved anti-hero of the marvel universe, possibly the most beloved anti-hero of all time. Often overshadowed by his heroic counterparts of the marvel universe he's the ultra-violent lunatic with an inferiority complex that everyone loves. Right now there's a temporary bump in the attention Wade Wilson is getting, which he probably loves, and it's the perfect opportunity to assemble the taco army and get our favorite anti-hero his time in the sun before he just goes back to watching TV in his ghetto fabulous apartment.
Deadpool movie news story @Geektyrant
Deadpool Imdb
short Ign interview with Ryan Reynolds about the Deadpool movie