Petition to Reverse Tumblr's Posting Limit

As of 11/28/11 , Tumblr set a posting limit of 25O posts within 24 hours. That means no reblogging , answering questions or anything on any blog until 12:OO A.M. This new limit not only takes away from your experience on Tumblr , but it also is in violation of the first amendment in the constitution. Every American is born with the right to freedom of speech. I know not all Tumblr users are American , but it basically applies to everyone. Tumblr is a way to express yourself & speak your mind. This posting limit is keeping users from exercising their freedom of speech by not letting them post what they want , when they want. This posting limit is ak inconvenience to all users. I undersand that Tumblr's servers are over capacity , but there are other ways to reduce this , such as removing inactive blogs. If you agree , please sign this petition & show the Tumblr staff that this new change needs to be removed.