Petition to reverse the cuts to sessional wages at Centennial College!

Dear President Buller,
In Fall 2014, Centennial rolled out a new “compensation strategy” that created a new standard hourly pay rate for all non-unionized teachers. While this resulted in a small pay increase for part-time teachers (those who teach 6 hours or less), it resulted in a devastating pay cut for most sessional faculty (those who teach 13 hours or more). Many sessional faculty have lost as much as a $1000/ month out of their wages. As you may imagine, this has resulted in extreme economic hardship.
Sessional faculty are some of our most dedicated teachers. They work for us full-time in any given semester, usually with no other employment and no other income. And they are integral to our programs.
These cuts have had terrible consequences: on the lives of our colleagues, on the quality of education we can deliver as a college, and on our reputation as socially just institution.
We are writing to ask you to please consider reversing these cuts.
Concerned full-time employees at Centennial