Petition to Restore Langley Field for Little League Football

It has recently been brought to the attention of the Pittsburgh Hurricanes that Langley field will no longer be available for use in 2015. The Board of Education has confirmed that the field will be turned into a "baseball only" field and will be utilized for Brashear high school.
Please assist us in sending a message to the Board of Education that Langley field should NOT be converted to a baseball field.
Below are some reasons why Langley field should be available for football.
1. Currently, the West End and the Hill District make up the student population for Brashear High School.
a. Brashear High School already has a baseball field and a football field.
b. The West End/Elliott/Sheridan/Chartiers City areas each have available baseball fields.
c. The West End/Elliott/Sheridan/Chartiers City areas DO NOT have an available football ready field outside of Langley field.
The Pittsburgh Hurricanes, which represent the neighborhoods mentioned above, would like to keep the organization on the West End of Pittsburgh. However, in order for this to happen, we need an available/consistent place for practice, activities, and games.
Please sign this petition in hopes that we can SAVE LANGLEY FIELD.