Petition to President Barack Obama asking for help to rebuild the historic Burmese Student Union Building in Rangoon.
Dear Mr. President,
We are students, former students and citizens from Burma, and would like
to request your help to rebuild our historic Rangoon University
Student Union Building, which was destroyed by the military dictatorship
government on July 8, 1962. We carefully listened to the remarkable
speech that you gave to us, when you visited Rangoon, Burma on November 19,
2012, and spoke at our beloved Rangoon Arts and Science University
(RASU). Your speech inspired and moved us, and also gave us a vision
for our future. Thank you so very much for your kind understanding and
for your encouragement.
For the past 50 years, the student voices of RASU have been silent, since their
gathering place for debate and discussion was bombed by the Burmese Army
on that fateful day. Our new generation of students has no place to
gain the experiences of interacting with each other and developing
organizational skills, such as how to talk together, plan together, organize,
and work together as a group. Without a student government (Student
Union) for a discussion place and offices, Burma will not develop any future
leaders of a “civil society,” and so its governance will remain in the hands of
authoritarian rulers. During the 1930s, when the foundations for Burma’s
struggle for independence from colonial rule were being laid, General Aung
San emerged as a student leader at RASU and attended many discussions that
were held in the RASU Student Union Building.
Today the site of the former RASU Union Building is an empty space overgrown
with wild grass and bushes. We would like to request your government to
fund the rebuilding of our Union, which symbolizes our forgotten hopes and
rights for freedom and a better future for our beloved homeland. We
need a structure where students can form their own organizations and
participate in a student government of their institution. We believe that the
rebuilding of our historic Student Union Building could be a key to
reconciliation between the military backed governments and the students.
We believe the current U Thein Sein government would be willing to accept an
offer by the US government to help rebuild our Student Union Building, just as
the 9/11 twin towers building in New York City is being rebuilt. A
rebuild RASU Student Union Building would serve as a historical monument that
would symbolize for the Burmese students, and the nation, that Americans are
supporting our freedom and democracy that sprang forth from this historical
university. We hope that the United States can start this monument to
freedom and democracy at RASU, and then we will organized the people and start it
in other universities after the completion of the rebuilding at RASU.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to help us and we would be very
honored to hear from you.
From the bottom of our hearts,