Petition to Pave Green Valley Road, County RD #8, Saint Albans WV 25177

Make your voice will be heard by all those who make decisions in our legislature and department of transportation today !!!
- Sign and Comment if you want to help make Green Valley Road Safe !!!
Green Valley Rd (County Rd #8 ) Saint Albans WV is in very poor condition and very much a hazardous risk to the citizens and residents of Kanawha County, WV.
Most people drive in the middle of the road to avoid holes causing a serious hazard to motorists.
As a tax paying resident of Kanawha County, WV, I respectfully petition the WV Department of Highways to pave Green Valley in the Spring of 2023
Also, please go here to submit a request to repair GV Drive
The landmark I used was GV Church of God (Lat/Long) - 38.365500, -81.787370
Notice this petition was started five years ago in 2018 and signed by 100 people and since then our voices have yet to be heard and there’s been no plan of action to pave this road