Petition to Oppose Sidewalks on Edgcumbe Road
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The Griggs-Scheffer Paving Project Phase II,
- Is a City of Saint Paul municipal improvement project
- The Project targets a region of the Highland Park neighborhood located North of Montreal Avenue, East of Hamline Avenue, South of Eleanor Avenue and West of 35E
- The Project includes plans to increase pavement, concrete curbs, gutters, outwalks, driveway aprons, storm sewers and sidewalks.
- The project is scheduled to take place between May 2021 and November 2021.
Adding sidewalks to Edgcumbe Road will result in the following negative outcomes:
- Negatively impact climate change since it will increase concrete (sidewalks) where there have never been sidewalks. In addition, the project will release carbon into the environment in unknown quantities, and will also increase the heat sink in the City of Saint Paul, making the neighborhood hotter, while destroying more than 50 - 75 mature trees;
- Burden the community since sidewalks made of hard concrete contribute to global climate change and increase carbon emissions, while an existing safe walk path formed from the already existing wide streets (Edgcumbe is a divided wooded parkway), does not destroy the urban forest nor does it increase water erosion and runoff to the detriment of our community;
- Disrupt the historical and natural integrity of the neighborhood whose 80 years without sidewalks gives the neighborhood a natural charm that will be irreparably damaged by the destruction of mature trees and open land in the name of urban sprawl;
- Waste valuable city resources on something that is not needed or wanted; and
- Reduce property values for homeowners affected by increased foot traffic, and damage to the natural landscape, which was and continues to be a contributing factor to why homeowners invest in these properties.
We, the undersigned residents of Edgcumbe Road, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to stop the construction of sidewalks on Edgcumbe Road as proposed in the Griggs-Scheffer Paving Project Phase II.