Petition To New York State Elected Representatives and Officials

Our organization Class Action Against Mugshot Websites.com is requesting that the state law be changed. We request that no mugshot website, the removal services associated with them, or any website published on the internet be allowed to use information obtained from government, court and law enforcement agencies websites for financial gain through advertising and or by specifically requesting payment for removal of pictures and information that are damaging to the person targeted.
The mugshot websites take public information from law enforcement and court sites that are not available to the search engines. They then post it on their websites with html code insuring that it is pushed to the highest visible point when searched.
These mugshot sites refuse to remove the information they obtained free unless the person who is affected pays a high fee for removal, usually starting at 399.99 to remove from one site. Although the sites are legal, it is by a very slim margin. This is simply legalized extortion.
Of the people who have been arrested and or committed crime(s) who find their posts online on these sites, many have paid all their Attorneys costs, paid their fines, and completed their sentence or what their judgment required of them by the court. They are trying to rebuild their lives. And without notice find themselves being extorted for an average of $399.99 per post removal.
Many sites will post the same mugshot and information on multiple pages on one website or on additional websites owned by the same person or company which can raise removal costs to one vendor close to $2500.00. This does not included guarantee removal from all sites online. Thus, requiring payment to multiple vendors.
Mugshot websites post the mugshots of anyone ever arrested. They do not fact check if the person was ever actually charged or found guilty. Many innocent residents as well are listed on these sites. The actions of these websites have damaged the reputations, relationships and employment of many people who have found their information posted.
Complete information can be viewed: http://classactionagainstmugshotwebsites.com/
We request that the law be changed now.