Petition to mitigate Traffic & Safety issues to Breckenridge Sub from school entrance.

We the undersigned, respectfully request that the proposed E-50 elementary school off Little Rd not include a street entrance to the 2 lane, divided landscaped median at Parkside Valley Drive in the Breckenridge Subdivision.
Vehicle access to the site for parents, staff and visitors from this school entrance will add undo traffic congestion to the subdivision and pedestrian safety hazards throughout the school day, events after school and on weekends. A shared or second Little Rd entrance could be used in addition to the proposed school bus entrance. Little Rd was designed for 4 lanes to accommodate additional traffic. This neighborhood entrance requires removal of 300 ft of landscaped median for vehicle turn lanes and stacking along Parkside Valley Dr.
Other nearby Wake schools have shared or double entrances off designated 4 lane streets. These school entrances have no stacking turn lanes causing neighborhood congestion or loss of streetscape.