Petition to make MOTD worth watching again.

A shadow of its former self, the institution that is MOTD has been dying a slow and painful death for well over a decade. While the Premiership has grown to be arguably the most exciting League in the World, the home nations highlights pack on the publicly funded BBC continues to dive into deeper and deeper depths of mediocrity with short highlights that do not resemble the game they represent followed by seemingly endless punditry that is so unimaginative and lacking of insight that it is used in absence of a commercial break as a good time to put the kettle on or grab another beer from the fridge. Perhaps something stronger if you think you might have to stay seated during the analysis of the next game. With free Apps like ESPN Goals, it's very difficult to find a reason to actually waste an hour on a Saturday night watching mindless drivel from ex players who clearly haven't watched much of the games. Are we supposed to believe that the two Pundit's sharing "witty banter" with Lineker have actually watched enough of the 9 or 10 games that afternoon to form an educated opinion? If you think it's time they stopped wasting your TV License money on the huge wage the "Old Boys Club" of Lineker, Hansen, Lawrenson, Shearer and Co and start putting together a show that doesn't insult your intelligence, show your support by signing this petition and let the Bosses at the BBC know how you feel. Something might actually get done.