Petition to have a permanent Speaker’s Corner on campus at the University of Liverpool

This is a student petition to have a permanent Speaker’s Corner on campus at the University of Liverpool. To support this petition you will have to be either an undergraduate or post-graduate student at the University of Liverpool. To verify this you are only required to provide your student number.
A Speaker’s Corner is an area in a public place where the public can Speak, Protest, Discuss and Debate. At a Speakers Corner usually any topic can be tolerated*. Hyde Park in London is probably the most famous Speaker’s Corner and has hosted some notable speakers, including Karl Marx, George Orwell and Vladimir Lenin.
Recently, other cities have established a Speaker’s Corner. However, there is not one in Liverpool and preliminary research suggests that no UK University has one on their campus. The University of Liverpool could be the first in the UK to establish one. Two potential locations are Abercromby Square or University Square (or you can suggest one).
Below are some examples of what a Speakers Corner could be used for:
-Debate and Discuss Student Issues
-Student Protests
-Student and Society Election Campaigns
-Raising Awareness About Social, National and Global Issues
-Political and Philosophical Debates
-Fighting for Disabled, LGBT+, Minority, Women, and Many More Rights
Two potential locations are University Square and Abercrombie Square.
* Any discussion at a Speaker’s Corner would have to comply with the Guild’s constitution.