Petition to Fund & Build the North West Park, Morrisville, NC
Petition to Fund & Build the North West Park, Morrisville, NC 27560
We request that the town leadership proceed this year and next to implement and
fund the plan to build the North West (NW) Park on the 5 acre tract of land the
developer donated and the town set aside for that purpose. The site is at the end of
Parkside Valley, in the Breckenridge Subdivision.
The park has been on hold since 2007. The NW Park, as studies have demonstrated, is greatly needed in this section of town and roughly 23% ofMorrisville's population is in short walking distance to it. With the Town of Cary's recent decision to no longer fund road improvements connecting Louis Stephens Road to Little Road in RTP, we ask that the town move forward on
building the park, sooner versus later.
As town leaders are aware, the builder both donated the land and provided over $1 million dollars in funding with an expectation to complete the NW Park -- a value reflected in the initial purchase price of every McCrimmon at the Park and Breckenridge Subdivision home.