Zuzanna Walter 0

Petition to DUWO

93 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Zuzanna Walter 0 Comments
93 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now


We, students living in Uilenstede (the green tower), would like to inform you about our big discontent with the services provided by you. As probably is known to you by now there has been a massive bed-bug invasion on several floors and is still spreading at the time of writing. An invasion of bed bugs causes itching, loss of sleep, skin infection and allergic reactions. This issue has raised concerns amongst the tenants about living conditions, hygiene and health.

When in August many students arrived in their new accommodations here at Uilenstede , they found rooms that were not cleaned after the previous academic year. This has probably contributed to the outbreak of bed-bugs and the current situation.

We also think that for the prices of the given rooms we pay and for the fact that now none of us can resign form rented accommodation (only when we quit University) we deserve a better treatment.

Taking everything into account we would like you to take a more pro-active stance in taking care of the living conditions and for this matter provide professional service to disinfect all building and make sure that invasion does not spread to other building.

We expect you to undertake action and communicate clearly to students about all the situation.

Students living at green tower at Uilenstede,

1183 AP Amstelveen

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