Petition to Defeat proposal for Adult Nationals as a Separate Event

Resolution required: Ordinary Proposed by: Ice Skating Queensland Inc THAT all divisions of Adult skating (but not including Adult Synchronised) be incorporated into a National Competition event. The progression of Adults in Australia is currently in the embryonic stage. We need to be supported and nurtured by our National Federation, not to be treated in a Spartan manner and left out in the cold to fend for ourselves. It is important that we are included in the mainstream AFS for another 2 years or until there are sufficient numbers for an Independant Adult Nationals to be run. Focus should be on building Competitive Adult Skating so we can eventually break away and sustain an Adult only National Championships while supporting those who choose to skate for social or healthy lifestyle choices. Adult Skaters need a supportive Peak Sporting Body who validates Adult / Masters Skating as a legitimate part of the sport.